This assignment looks at trying to use varying machine learning techniques to classify languages together. Specificaly, we will look at linguistic features of languages to predict how they should be grouped together.
We will be using the machine learning toolkit scikit-learn. This is a python package that implements many different ML algorithms.
To install, I recommend using a conda enviornment. If you do not have this installed already, you can get the software here. It is probably best to use the regular installation, but miniconda will likely work as well.
After you have conda installed, you can either use the graphical interface that it has for some operating systems, or use a command line approach. The following commands should get you everything you need for this assignment:
conda create --name wals python=3.8
conda activate wals
pip install scikit-learn # Make sure you are in your conda environment (previous command) before running this!
python -c "import sklearn; sklearn.show_versions()" # Check that it is installed 1.3.2
pip install pandas
You can learn more about scikit-learn from the official website.
We will be using the World Atlas of Language Structures (WALS) for this assignment. It has thousands of languages with various linguistic features annotated with references to linguistic publications. We will use various features of this to try and predict language family.
For the first part of this assignent, we are going to look at two features from WALS that many languages have:
Data is from WALS v2020.3 DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7385533
Dryer, Matthew S. & Haspelmath, Martin (eds.) 2013.
WALS Online (v2020.3) [Data set]. Zenodo.
(Available online at, Accessed on 2024-02-21.)
The data is taken from WALS. Specifically located here. I’ve taken values.csv and split it into a train and test set. Any language code that starts with a W, X, Y, or Z is in the test set. The rest is in the training set. Don’t do this for anything actually related to science. This is a biased sample - however, there is no overlap between training and test.
Here are the data splits:
We will train a random forest classifier on this using scikit-learn.
Testing on our training set (overfitting) gives a score of 0.292. WALS has 255 possible language families, so randomly guessing would give a score just below 0.004. This means the model is learning something, but it cannot discern everything. Again this is overfitting on training. Evaluating on the heldout test set gives a score of 0.198. So this is still better than random. The Maximum Likelihood Estimate (just gussing the langauge family that occurs the most) would give a score of.
Clearly, Word Order and Tense-Aspect Suffixes are only a subset of features of a language. Choose another feature that has broad coverage across language families. You can look for one with broad coverage just by browsing the WALS website.
A quick bash script to filter for classifier features is
grep '^69A-' test_values_gold.csv | awk -F ',' '{printf "%s,%s\n", $2, $4}'
Random forests are not the only classifiers that are in Machine Learning. While they work very well, scikit-learn contains many other classifiers. For this next part, choose a different classifier and repeat the steps above.
The easiest way to get over 0.500 is to overfit by selecting too many features. However, this isn’t great from a scientific, engineering, or linguistics perspective. Using the random forest classifier, try and get a score on test above 0.500 using the FEWEST number of features possible.
Please write about 500 words on the assignment. Include disucssion about how and why features fail. For instance, why would you think a feature would work but scores are not great. Also, explain why you thought a feature would work, and then if it did, explain why.